Ballet and Birthday Party

Gabriella daces like her Daddy :-D.

Adelynn is learning ballet from her sister
Gabriella's boat project from learning about the Boston Tea Party

Below(L): This is what Gabriella usually does with the camera...we can show her husband one day;-p
Below(R): This will be Gabriella's routine for her recital...try not to pay attention to the screaming kid in the background, he is the one I was talking about a few nights ago!

New Pictures

It's Bob and Larry!!

Homemade ice cream and cookie party with our friends

Valentine's activities wore her out

The girls cookies

Pics 9 Feb

cute...Gabriella has baby sara and Adelynn has lovie pig, they are rocking them gently
Gabriella being silly

Sweet girls. Playing school, it was time for a nap

She is wearing a 0-3 month bath robe!

Talking to Daddy in the morning. You can see how much they adore him.

Trying to put her foot in the camera case. She probably can't see it though...