Happy Halloween Nonni

This is one of her costumes. She can't decide what to be. We will let you know what she picks by posting Halloween pics. Happy Halloween Nonni (Michael's mom - she drives a school bus).

Pumpkin Patch

We took the girls to the pumpkin patch. Adelynn didn't care at all and Gabriella was just ready to pick out pumpkins for the whole family. She like the ones wilth lots of bumps on them. The more bumps and imperfections the better. She is already taking in the umwanted!


I was finally ready to be baptized and Michael waited to do it with me. So this weekend we were baptized together while we were at the retreat.

Marriage Retreat Weekend

This past weekend Michael and I went with our ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) class to a marriage retreat in east Texas. It was a great time. It was the first time we left Gabriella for more than a night! She stayed with my Aunt Jo Ann and they had a fun, busy weekend together. We took Adelynn and she played with the other babies and enjoyed being in nature with us. We played bocce ball, vollyball, pladdleboated, walked/ran around the camp and had a nice camp fire complete with s'mores. The food was great and the cabins were beautiful. We loved being together and growing closer in our relationships with each other and with God. We look foward to returning whenever we can.

The Park

A day at the park with some of our friends. We had a great time talking, swinging, eating and just hanging out.

Wayside picnic

Adelynn loved the pool of balls.
The girls held hands everywhere they went all day.

Adelynn fell asleep after all the fun and excitement in the pool.The girls jousted like on the show Galdiators - one of Gabriella's favorites.

We also went to the church picnic this weekend. Gabriella yet again had a blast!

New Toy

Michael went out to the garage this weekend and found some more of Gabriella's old toys and this is what he came back with. I figured she would hate it like her sister did, but man was I WRONG! She played in here for at least half an hour. Squealing and laughing the entire time!

I sat Adelynn down next to Billy while I was washing my hands and when I turned around they had already become friends.

Crazy soccer kids

Saddly, I did not get any pictures of the crazy kids we played against this past weekend, but I just had to post about them because it was riddiculous! The refs for the 4 year old teams are 12-14 year olds. We played these kids whos parents payed no attention to what their kids were doing. I know playing soccer at 4 is just for fun, but there is a line between playing soccer for fun and showing up 15 minutes late after game start time to have your kids literally just play in the middle of the field. I mean rolling around on the grass while our team is making goals by themselves. Wrestling each other on the groung in the middle of the field with no parents interfereing and playing in the small water puddle on the field down to one of the boys purposly sticking his hand in the dirty puddle and then putting his had directly from there into his mouth as if he needed to taste it or maybe he was thirsty. I don't know, but it was gross! So back to the ref. The poor 12 year old girl was trying so hard to get these crazy kids to get up and play. She kept looking to the parents to HELP, but they were too busy socializing! Obviously - we won and Gabriella made her first GOAL! YAY!

Homecoming Pep Rally, Fellowship dinner and game

Gabriella with the Lion mascot.
We started out sitting in the end zone and Gabriella was so excited to be so close to the big football players when they came by.
Waiting by the track for the pep rally to start.
Crazy pink cheer socks!? Pretty smile...
All the little lions cheerleaders waiting for their turn:)
Two little lions cheerleaders. Gabriella and one of her best friends - Camarin.

We went to SACS homecoming fellowship dinner and game Friday night. Gabriella played with her friends and we got to meet other parents. It was lots of fun, but we had to leave at half time due to two very tired little girls. SACS won the game against TMI like 42-12. TMI did not score a single point in the second half! What we saw of the game, SACS has a pretty good team. We look foward to attending more games in the future and trying to actually stay longer.

1st School picture

Gabriella's first school picture. She smiled great. She is growing up so fast.

Proud Mama

Today was the day I have been waiting for since I found out I was having a girl:) Gabriella went to her first cheerleading practice today! I'm not sure she will love it the way I do, but that's okay. Michael was so sweet, he wanted to make the day as fun for her as possible so she would think it was the best. Even if Gabriella doesn't want to be a cheerleader, I can still hope Adelynn will like it. She had a lot of fun and loved watching the girls. Anyway, I am putting a video on (it is kind of long, so don't feel like you have to watch the whole thing) to show my proud moment. She could definetly use some practice! (she is on the far left in a stripe shirt facing the cheerleader behind her.)

Sisterly love?...

Here she is just a few months ago. It has been five and a half years between the two pictures:-D This is my sister when I first met her in Florida. Cute huh! She wanted me to show her some love on my blog, so here is some love Danielle:-D

Singer? - Probably not, but still cute!

Gabriella is very creative and loves to sing. We recorded her singing one of her made up songs.

More kids....

Michael calls this birth control. I say it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. - We babysat our friend's 14 month old daughter this past weekend. It was the mom's birhtday, so we gave her and her husband the night off to celebrate. Happy Birthday Courtney!

Sister times

There have been some really sweet moments with Gabriella and Adelynn lately.This one is Gabriella "reading" a book in her room to Adelynn. Notice Adelynn listening so intently. Another thing lately that has been great, is when Adelynn and I go to pick up Gabriella at school. The girls sream and squeal at each other in happiness (for now anyway) in the back seat. Adelynn is "talking" to her sister and her sister is yelling at her to BEEEE QUUIETTTTT!!! This goes on until I can't take the noise anymore and let them (Gabriella) know it is enough. Adelynn has started babling sounds that we like to believe is her attempt at talking. She says dadadadada, gagagagaga and has "said" hi dada. Of course - no mama, but I think my name is a very loud happy squeal instead. I figured out one day when Gabriella was at school that gagaga is her calling her sister. When I heard her saying this I called Gabriella's name as if she were home and Adelynn began looking around for her sister to come running in the room. Since that day we have implemented after school sister play time. Their love for each other is such an amazing and beautiful thing to watch.

A sad day to remember

Eleven years ago today on Friday, October 3, just like today, there was a terrible car accident. It took the lives of my good friend's Mother and brother and one of her friends and injured four other friends/students badly. It was one of the saddest days of my life and I still remember that day so vividly every year on the anniversary. I pray that all the families have comfort today as they too remember that awful day.


Gabriella and her coach - above. Watching the game while taking a break - below.
Kick the ball!!!

Go Rockets! Pround Mom.
Here are some pictures of us enjoying soccer. Gabriella is number 4.