Crazy soccer kids

Saddly, I did not get any pictures of the crazy kids we played against this past weekend, but I just had to post about them because it was riddiculous! The refs for the 4 year old teams are 12-14 year olds. We played these kids whos parents payed no attention to what their kids were doing. I know playing soccer at 4 is just for fun, but there is a line between playing soccer for fun and showing up 15 minutes late after game start time to have your kids literally just play in the middle of the field. I mean rolling around on the grass while our team is making goals by themselves. Wrestling each other on the groung in the middle of the field with no parents interfereing and playing in the small water puddle on the field down to one of the boys purposly sticking his hand in the dirty puddle and then putting his had directly from there into his mouth as if he needed to taste it or maybe he was thirsty. I don't know, but it was gross! So back to the ref. The poor 12 year old girl was trying so hard to get these crazy kids to get up and play. She kept looking to the parents to HELP, but they were too busy socializing! Obviously - we won and Gabriella made her first GOAL! YAY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SHE MADE A GOAL!? oh my god thats awesome!!! yay!! haha thats sooo funny that those kids did that lol silly children.. :)