
She is standing now and dancing and cruising! Oh and of course, lots of falling and bumping her head!

One-legged scooting


While I was cleaning up around the house I let Adelynn explore the house a little. I went to get her, but I had to follow her noises and this is where I found her! She was in the bathroom - behind the bathroom door! I let her figure out how to get herself out, but she got frustrated after a few minutes. What a silly baby explorer!

Calling Two Daddy

Adelynn called Two Daddy (Michael's Dad) on the phone. She was very happy to talk to him and even happier when he would talk back to her. She hung up on him before Michael could get the phone from her.

Sea World

Adelynn loves all things Sea World! She thought the Shamu show was the best thing ever!

Above: This is our little trucker - she had to get a hat because she was cold and didn't like the hood on her sweater.
Below: Adelynn loved watching the dolphins. She tried to go in the water with them a few times.

Peek-a-Boo! Adelynn was taking a nap when we arrived at Sea World so we put the blanket over the stroller hoping she would go back to sleep, but this is what we saw right after we entered the park. She thinks it's ground hog day!

Today we took the girls to Sea World. We wanted to do something fun Gabriella and it ended up that Adelynn had the most fun!

Below: Here is a short video of Adelynn watching Shamu. She was like this the entire show! She was also squealing in delight, jumping, laughing and talking to the whales. I am pretty sure she was calling them cats! Who knew she would love the show this much! Gabriella can't even sit through an entire show without getting restless.

Holiday Pictures

Our friend Amy took pictures for us Thursday for our Christmas cards. We had fun being subjects in her photos and I think she had fun taking all the pictures. It was hot that day, but we got some good ones. I love the picture of our beautiful girls! They are such sweet sisters. Thanks Amy!



Last night Uncle Moe passed away. We are happy to know that he is now at peace and with the loved ones we long to see. We are thankful to hear he can now rest in the presence of the Lord. We will miss his energy and Foglio personality.

Pilgrams and Indians

Or mostly just indians. Today was Gabriella's Thanksgiving Feast at SACS. Everyone dresses up and the kids play games, hear stories and eat the kind of food they ate on the 1st Thanksgiving. Yesterday I helped out with cooking lab at school. This is where the kids get to prepare some of the food they ate today. The kids made homemade butter by shaking their cream in jars and then shucked corn and spread their butter on it. They also made "homemade" biscuits, homemade strawberry preserves and homemade applesauce. YUM! It was so much fun seeing all the kids in her class and spending the morning with them at the feast. Now I am already excited about next year. By the way all the costume pieces with the exception of Michael's shirt were made by me!

Class of 1998!!!

This past weekend we went to my class reunion! I feel officially old! I did have a great time though seeing how everyone has changed. Everyone looked older, but everyone is still the same. There were still the same groups hanging out together in pretty much their own corners. I wish we could have hung out longer. Michael was a great husband enduring his husbandly duties.

Baby prodigy?

This is Gabriella's recorder. Michael gave it to Adelynn to play with and the next thing we knew she was actually making it play by herself!

A change in seasons equals...

Layering your clothes! Which then equals a lot of laundry!


Gabriella got her hair cut on Wednesday.
Gabriella above - A young Aunt Danielle left...


This is what happens when you leave a semi-mobile baby with a mess a 4 year old started! She is hilarious!


Friend Adan with dalmation dressed as a hot dog (Adelynn).
Gabriella with cousin Alyssa - the pirate -Arrrg.

Sorry these are so late. I have had problems with the computer and have only been able to get on for about 5 minutes at a time - barely enough time to check email. We had a great time on Halloween. Adelynn was a dalmation because Gabriella was going to be a fighter fighter (fire fighter). Sadly we lost an ear before we could get pictures. Gabriella decided to be the school bus I made her as a backup plan - so glad I did! It got a lot of compliments and oohs and aahs! The other kids in the pictures are cousins and cousins of cousins and friends of cousins. That's a lot of cousins! The girls were pooped at the end of the night!