Being petitioned

Sorry it has been a while since I have posted! I have been overwhelmed with stress and anxiety, not to mention a bit of depression. Since Thanksgiving things with my mother have snowballed and just the other night I received an email with a letter and petition for grandparent's rights. That's right my mother wants to take me to court and sue me because she has not been able to see Gabriella much in three years. She says I am and always have been a negative source in her life and has told me to leave her alone and stay out of her life. However in almost the same breath/sentence she can say that she wants to see and take Gabriella off somewhere alone. She could care less about our other child. I have tried for the last year and a half to work something out where we could forgive and move on and try to establish some kind of relationship, but she cannot forgive anything from the past and because of this she cannot move on. I feel that she should not be trying to have a relationship with only Gabriella. I am her only daughter. I think there needs to be cordial communication about present and future and nothing about the past. Oh yeah, and did I mention she wants nothing to do with Adelynn! She had never looked her direction until Thanksgiving when she got so jealous she took her from me. Now her petition is all about Gabriella! Enough ranting. Be patient I will get with it again soon.

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